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Media Center

Journalists and other media experts can use the contact information shown below to get in touch with us. Our leading researchers, industry experts and business insights are featured across the globe.

Media Contacts

Steve Davis


Phone: +1 646 798 7453 extension 973528

Laila Zellweger


Phone: +41 44 586 9656 extension 598647

Nikki Cole


Phone: +27 110 835 100 extension 496538

Jun Lin


Phone: +852 8120 9430 extension 947652

Our Latest Insights

Customer-Oriented Digital Strategies for B2B
Business-to-business can achieve greater success rates through effective digital transformation of their customer experience.
The Power of Digital in Chemicals
Digital technology has the potential to have a significant impact on the chemical industry if new models are created specific to the sector's unique requirements.
Capitalizing Strategic Sourcing
Companies can reduce total cost of their product by redefining purchase function and developing and promoting skills and abilities in the sector.
Large-Scale Lean Construction
Techniques of lean manufacturing have proven highly beneficial for large infrastructure projects.
Inertial Acceleration for Senior Executives
In the rapidly changing environment, CEOs can ensure their companies’ success by helping their top leaders in working through fear, denial and learning obstacles.
Redefining African Agribusiness
African countries’ government must work with private and social sectors to capture the optimal potential of their agricultural capacity and development.
Mega Projects Optimization
Oil and gas companies can reduce their cost and time overruns on major projects by employing modular standardization approach widely used in other industries.


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