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  1. The Emerging Circular Economy
  2. Inertial Acceleration for Senior Executives
  3. Customer Experience: New Digital Operating Models
  4. Supply Chain Innovation

Fast Incorporations


A Stronger Public Sector with Lean Methodologies
Public-sector agencies can increase their performance by applying lean methodologies and focus on ‘soft’ sides of operation as well.
Building a Great Corporation
Organizations can achieve value for their businesses by incorporating the concept of health and performance in their organizational structure.
Mega Projects Optimization
Oil and gas companies can reduce their cost and time overruns on major projects by employing modular standardization approach widely used in other industries.
Harnessing Complex Interactions in Organizations
Organizations can gain sustainable competitive advantages by facilitating and supporting their most valuable talent capable of performing highly complex interactions.
Large-Scale Lean Construction
Techniques of lean manufacturing have proven highly beneficial for large infrastructure projects.
Inertial Acceleration for Senior Executives
In the rapidly changing environment, CEOs can ensure their companies’ success by helping their top leaders in working through fear, denial and learning obstacles.
Roadmap for Industry 4.0 in Pharmaceuticals
Pharmaceutical quality control labs must implement Industry 4.0 technological advancements through digitization and automation to gain value in the future.